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The following fields can be added as column to Rename List. See also How to select which fields will be shown in Rename List and Rename List Field Selector.

Each field can support any of the following features:
Modify: Field can be modified directly (supports read/write).
Apply: Field can be selected as apply target for filters in Filter Options window. Field value can also be manually renamed in Rename List .
Preview: Predicted value for the field can be previewed for items listed in Rename List. Note that field value may change even if field itself is not writeable, e.g. modifying File Name field may also change predicted value of File Name Length field.

Available Fields:

File Name Group: Basic file and folder information
Field Modify Apply Preview Description
File Name + + + File name w/o extension.
File Extension + + + File extension only.
Parent Folder + + + Full path of the folder in which the file is located. You can set this field to different value, in order to move the file. Use "\" characters to mark folder hierarchies. MFR will create non-exist folder.
Full File Name + + + File name including extension.
Full File Path + + + File path of the file including full name.
File/Folder "File" if item is a file. "Folder" if item is a folder.
File Name Numeric Value For names that contains number: extract the number, otherwise 0. Useful for sort purpose.
File Name Length + Length in characters of the 'Full Name' Field. Useful for sort purpose.
Full Path Length + Length in characters of the 'Full Path' Field. Useful for sort purpose.

File Properties Group: Extended information on files and folders
Field Modify Apply Preview Description
File Contents + + + Contents of the file. Can be used to apply any text filter on text files context, for example, to perform search & replace in text files. when applying filters on file contents, original content is overwritten, so use this field with extra care, and make sure to backup your files before applying.
Note that only changes in the first 200 characters are detected during preview.
Creation Date + + Creation date for file or folder.
Last Write Date + + Last write date for file or folder.
Last Access Date + + Last access date for file or folder.
Size File size in bytes. 0 for folders.
Attributes + + Attributes for file or folders. In the form "RHAS", where R=Read Only, H=Hidden, A=Archive, S=System. "-" indicates attribute not set.
Folder File Count Count of files and folders in the same folder.

MP3-ID3v1 Group: ID3v1 tag information in MP3 files.

Field Description
Album ID3 Album Field. Max. length of 30 characters.
Artist ID3 Artist Field. Max. length of 30 characters.
Comment ID3 Comment Field. Max. length of 28 characters.
Genre ID3 Genre Field. Must be one of the predefined ID3v1 genres.
Title ID3 Track Title Field. Max. length of 30 characters.
Track Number ID3 Track Number Field. Must be empty or a numeric value. Maximum Track number value is 255.
Year ID3 Year Field. Must be empty or a 4-digit number. Same as TYER frame in ID3v2 tags.

MP3-ID3v2 Group: ID3v2 tag information in MP3 files.

Field Source Frame Name Data Type Description
Album TALB Text ID3 Album Field. Max.
Artist TPE1 Text ID3 Artist Field.
Comment COMM Text ID3 Comment Field. Only the first comment is read or written.
Genre TCON Text ID3 Genre Field.
Title TIT2 Text ID3 Track Title Field.
Track Number TRCK Text ID3 Track Number Field. Must be empty or a numeric value. This field is the left part of TRCK frame.
Track Count TRCK Text ID3 Track Count Field. Must be empty or a numeric value. This field is the right part of TRCK frame.
Year Year Text ID3 Year Field.
ID3v2 Version Text The exact version of the ID3v2 tag. Can be v2.0, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4 or empty if not ID3v2 tag exist.

Album/Movie/Show title ID3 V2.3 TALB Text Intended for the title of the recording(/source of sound) which the audio in the file is taken from.
Band/orchestra/accompaniment ID3 V2.3 TPE2 Text Used for additional information about the performers in the recording.
BPM (beats per minute) ID3 V2.3 TBPM Text Must be empty or a positive number. The 'BPM' frame contains the number of beats per minute in the main part of the audio. The BPM is an integer and represented as a numerical string.
Commercial information ID3 V2.3 WCOM URL a URL pointing at a webpage with information such as where the album can be bought.
Composer ID3 V2.3 TCOM Text Intended for the name of the composer(s). They are separated with the "/" character.
Conductor/performer refinement ID3 V2.3 TPE3 Text Used for the name of the conductor.
Content Group Description ID3 V2.3 TIT1 Text Used if the sound belongs to a larger category of sounds/music. For example, classical music is often sorted in different musical sections (e.g. "Piano Concerto", "Weather - Hurricane").
Content type ID3 V2.3 TCON Text Same as 'Genre' field.
Copyright Message ID3 V2.3 TCOP Text Copyright holder of the original sound.
Copyright/Legal information Webpage ID3 V2.3 WCOP URL A URL pointing at a webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is described.
Encoded By ID3 V2.3 TENC Text Contains the name of the person or organization that encoded the audio file. This field may contain a copyright message, if the audio file also is copyrighted by the encoder.
File Owner ID3 V2.3 TOWN Text Contains the name of the owner or licensee of the file and it's contents.
File Type ID3 V2.3 TFLT Text Indicates which type of audio this tag defines.
Initial Key ID3 V2.3 TKEY Text Contains the musical key in which the sound starts. It is represented as a string with a maximum length of three characters. The ground keys are represented with "A","B","C","D","E", "F" and "G" and half keys represented with "b" and "#". Minor is represented as "m". Example "Cbm". Off key is represented with an "o" only.
Internet radio station name ID3 V2.3 TRSN Text The name of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed.
Internet radio station owner ID3 V2.3 TRSO Text The name of the owner of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed.
Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by ID3 V2.3 TPE4 Text Contains more information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece.
Language(s) ID3 V2.3 TLAN Text Contains the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio.
Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s) ID3 V2.3 TPE1 Text Same as 'Artist' field. Used for the main artist(s). They are separated with the "/" character.
Length ID3 V2.3 TLEN Text contains the length of the audio file in milliseconds, represented as a numeric string.
Lyricist/Text writer ID3 V2.3 TEXT Text The 'Lyricist(s)/Text writer(s)' frame is intended for the writer(s) of the text or lyrics in the recording. They are separated with the "/" character.
Media Type ID3 V2.3 TMED Text Describes from which media the sound originated.
Official artist/performer webpage ID3 V2.3 WOAR URL A URL pointing at the artists official webpage
Official audio file webpage ID3 V2.3 WOAF URL A URL pointing at a file specific webpage.
Official audio source webpage ID3 V2.3 WOAS URL A URL pointing at the official webpage for the source of the audio file, e.g. a movie.
Official internet radio station homepage ID3 V2.3 WORS URL A URL pointing at the homepage of the internet radio station.
Original Album/Movie/Show Title ID3 V2.3 TOAL Text Intended for the title of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song.
Original artist(s)/performer(s) ID3 V2.3 TOPE Text Intended for the performer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. The performers are separated with the "/" character.
Original filename ID3 V2.3 TOFN Text Contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the filename. The filename is case sensitive and includes its suffix.
Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) ID3 V2.3 TOLY Text Intended for the text writer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. The text writers are separated with the "/" character.
Original release year ID3 V2.3 TORY Text Intended for the year when the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song, was released. The field is formatted as in the "TYER"
Part of a set ID3 V2.3 TPOS Text Numeric string that describes which part of a set the audio came from.
Payment ID3 V2.3 WPAY URL A URL pointing at a webpage that will handle the process of paying for this file.
Playlist Delay ID3 V2.3 WDLY Text defines the numbers of milliseconds of silence that should be inserted before this audio. The value zero indicates that this is a part of a multifile audio track that should be played continuously.
Publisher ID3 V2.3 TPUB Text Contains the name of the label or publisher.
Publishers official webpage ID3 V2.3 WPUB URL A URL pointing at the official webpage for the publisher
Recording dates ID3 V2.3 TRDA Text Complimentary text field for other date fields in the ID3v2 tag.
Recording Day & Month ID3 V2.3 TDAT Text Must be in the format DDMM. Contains the date for the recording, combined with the 'Year' field.
Size ID3 V2.3 TSIZ Text Size of the audio file in bytes, excluding the ID3v2 tag. Must be empty or a positive number.
Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding ID3 V2.3 TSSE Text Includes the used audio encoder and its settings when the file was encoded.
Subtitle/Description Refinement ID3 V2.3 TIT3 Text Used for information directly related to the contents title (e.g. "Op. 16" or "Performed live at Wembley").
Terms of use ID3 V2.3 USER Text
Title/Songname/Content Description ID3 V2.3 TIT2 Text Same as 'Title' field. The actual title of the audio.
Track number/Position in set ID3 V2.3 TRCK Text Same as 'Track Number' field. A numeric string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording.
Unique file identifier ID3 V2.3 UFID Text Read-only.
Unsynchronized lyric/text transcription ID3 V2.3 USLT Text Contains the lyrics of the song or a text transcription of other vocal activities.
User defined text ID3 V2.3 TXXX Text
Year ID3 V2.3 TYER Text same as 'Year [ID3v2]' field. Must be empty of number up to 4 digits.
Set Subtitle ID3 V2.4 TSST Text The 'Set subtitle' frame is intended for the subtitle of the part of a set this track belongs to.
Involved People List ID3 V2.4 TIPL Text The 'Involved people list' is very similar to the musician credits list, but maps between functions, like producer, and names.
Mood ID3 V2.4 TMOO Text The 'Mood' frame is intended to reflect the mood of the audio with a few keywords, e.g. "Romantic" or "Sad".
Encoding Time ID3 V2.4 TDEN Text The 'Encoding time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the audio was encoded.
Original Release Time ID3 V2.4 TDOR Text The 'Original release time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the original recording of the audio was released.
Recording Time ID3 V2.4 TDRC Text The 'Recording time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the audio was recorded.
Release Time ID3 V2.4 TDRL Text The 'Release time' frame contains a timestamp describing when the audio was first released.
Tagging Time ID3 V2.4 TDTG Text The 'Tagging time' frame contains a timestamp describing then the audio was tagged.
Album Sort Order ID3 V2.4 TSOA Text The 'Album sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the album name (TALB) for sorting purposes.
Performer Sort Order ID3 V2.4 TSOP Text The 'Performer sort order' frame defines a string which should be used instead of the performer (TPE2) for sorting purposes.

MP3 Properties Group: MPEG information for MP3 files.

All fields in this group are read-only.

Field Description
Bitrate MP3 file bitrate. For VBR encoded files, the average bitrate will be used and will be prefixed with "VBR".
Copyright Is MP3 file copyrighted. 'Yes' or 'No'.
Duration [Sec] MP3 file duration in seconds.
Duration MP3 file duration, as system time string.
Encoding MP3 file encoding. 'CBR' for Constant Bit Rate, ot 'VBR' for Variable Bit Rate.
Emphasis MP3 file emphasis. (None, CCIT, MS5015).
Frequency MP3 file audio frequency in Hertz (Hz).
Layer MP3 file MPEG layer (LayerI, LayerII, LayerIII).
Mpeg Version MP3 file MPEG version (Unknown, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG25).
Mode MP3 file MPEG mode (Stereo, JointStereo, DualChannel, SingleChannel).
Original Is MP3 file original? (Yes, No).
Protection MP3 file protection? (None, CRC).
Private Is MP3 file private? (Yes, No).
Samples Number of samples.
VBR Quality VBR encoding quality for VBR encoded MP3 files. Range 0-100, or empty for non-VBR files.

Image Group: Basic information for image files.
Field Description
Format Image file format. May be Bitmap, EMF, EXIF, GIF, Icon, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF.
Width Image width in pixels.
Height Image height in pixels.
Bit Depth Image Bit Depth (represents number of colors). May contain one of the values: 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64.
Horizontal Resolution Horizontal resolution for the image in DPI (Dots Per Inch).
Vertical Resolution Vertical resolution for the image in DPI (Dots Per Inch).
Frames Count Number of frames in image (for animated imaged).

JPEG Tag Group: Extended information (EXIF) for JPEG image files.
Field Description
Title Image title (Windows XP standard)
Subject Image subject (Windows XP standard)
Author Image author (Windows XP standard)
Keywords Image keywords (Windows XP standard)
Comments Image comments (Windows XP standard)
Date/Time Date/Time image taken. In the format 'YYYY:mm:DD HH:MM:SS'
Make Brand of imaging hardware used.
Model Model of imaging hardware used.
Description Image Description
Description Image Description
Artist Image Artist
Image Number Image Number
User Comment User Comment

Jpeg-Geo Group: Location information for JPEG files.
Field Description
Latitude Latitude of the location the picture was taken in.
Longitude Longitude of the location the picture was taken in.
Nearest Country Nearby Country in the location the picture was taken in.
Nearest Region Nearby Region in the location the picture was taken in.
Nearest City or Place Nearby City or Place in the location the picture was taken in.

FreeDB Group: Online data from online music database.
Field Description
Artist Artist name of the last retrieved album.
Album Title name of the last retrieved album.
Year Release year of the last retrieved album.
Genre Genre of the last retrieved album.
Title Track title of the current track in the last retrieved album.
Field value in the n-th item in the Rename List will use the n-th track title in the album.
If Rename List contains more items than retrieved tracks, the field will be empty in the last items.

Media Properties Group: Basic Information for media files (image, audio and video).
Field Description
MIME Type Internet media type.
Possibly Corrupt Indicates whether or not this file may be corrupt.
Duration Duration of the media in hh:mm:ss,ffffff format
Duration (Seconds) Duration of the media in seconds.
Media Types List of types of media exist in the current item.
Description Description of media.
Audio Bitrate Bitrate of the audio for audio media.
Audio Sample Rate Sample Rate of the audio for audio media.
Bits Per Sample Number of bits per sample for audio media.
Audio Channels Number of channels for audio media.
Video Height Pixel height for video media.
Video Width Pixel width for video media.
Photo Height Pixel height for image media.
Photo Width Pixel width for image media.
Photo Quality Format specific quality indicator for image media. A value 0 means that there was no quality indicator for the format or the file.

Audio Tag Group: Standard audio tag information for popular media formats. Supported formats are MP3 (ID3 v1 and v2), OGG Vorbis (XIPH), APE, Apple (ILST), ASF, DIVX, FLAC (XIPH & FLAC metadata), RIFF (AVI, WAV, RMI)
Field Description
Title The title is most commonly the name of the song or episode or a movie title.
Performers The performers or artists who performed in the media. This field is most commonly called "Artists" in media applications. Items are seperated by ';'.
Album Artists The band or artist who is credited in the creation of the entire album or collection containing the media. This field is typically optional but aids in the sorting of compilations or albums with multiple artists. For example, if an album has several artists, sorting by artist will split up the album and sorting by album will split up albums by the same artist. Having a single album artist for an entire album will solve this problem. Items are seperated by ';'.
Composers The composers of the media. This field represents the composers, song writers, script writers, or persons who claim authorship of the media. Items are seperated by ';'.
Album This field represents the name of the album the media belongs to. In the case of a boxed set, it should be the name of the entire set rather than the individual disc.
Comment This field should be used to store user notes and comments.
Genres This field represents genres that apply to the song or album. This is often used for filtering media. Items are seperated by ';'.
Year The year that the media wa recorded. Years greater than 9999 cannot be stored by most tagging formats and will be cleared if a higher value is set. Some tagging formats store higher precision dates which will be truncated when this property is set.
Track The position of the media represented by in its containing album. This value should be the same as is listed on the album cover and no more than Track Count if non-zero.
Track Count The number of tracks in the album.
Disc The number of the disc containing the media in the boxed set.This value should be the same as is number that appears on the disc. For example, if the disc is the first of three, the value should be 1. It should be no more than Disc Count non-zero.
Disc Count The number of discs in the boxed set containing the media.
Lyrics The lyrics or script of the media. This field contains a plain text representation of the lyrics or scripts with line breaks and whitespace being the only formatting marks.
Grouping This field contains a non-physical grouping to which the track belongs. In classical music, this could be a movement. It could also be parts of a series like "Introduction", "Closing Remarks", etc.
Beats Per Minute The number of beats per minute in the audio of the media. This field is useful for DJ's who are trying to match songs. It should be calculated from the audio or pulled from a database.
Conductor The conductor or director of the media. This field is most useful for organizing classical music and movies.
Copyright The copyright information for the media.
Music Brainz Artist ID This field represents the Music Brainz Artist ID, and is used to uniquely identify a particular Artist of the track.
Music Brainz Release ID This field represents the Music Brainz Release ID, and is used to uniquely identify a particular Release to which this track belongs.
Music Brainz Release Artist ID This field represents the Music Brainz Release Artist ID, and is used to uniquely identify a particular Album Artist credited with the Album.
Music Brainz Track ID This field represents the Music Brainz Track ID, and is used to uniquely identify a particular track.
Music Brainz Disc ID This field represents the Music Brainz Disc ID, and is used to uniquely identify the particular Released Media associated with this track.
Music Brainz Release Status This field represents the Music Brainz Release Status, and is used to describes how 'official' a Release is. Common Status are: Official, Promotion, Bootleg, Pseudo-release.
Music Brainz Release Type This field represents the Music Brainz Release Type, that describes what kind of release a Release is.. Common Status are: Single, Album, EP, Compilation, Soundtrack, SpokenWord, Interview, Audiobook, Live, Remix, and Other. Careful thought must be given when using this field to decide if a particular track "Is a Compilation".
Music Brainz Release Country This field represents the Music Brainz Release Country, that describes the country in which an album was released. Note that the ReleaseCountry of an album is not necessarily the country in which it was produced. The label itself will typically be more relevant. eg, a release on "Foo Records UK" that has "Made in Austria" printed on it, will likely be a UK release.
MusicIP ID The MusicIP PUID of the media. This field represents the MusicIP PUID, and is an acoustic fingerprint identifier. It Identifies what this track "Sounds Like".
Amazon ID This field represents the AmazonID, and is used to identify the particular track or album in the Amazon Catalog.

Image Tag Group: Standard image tag information for popular media formats. Supported formats are XMP (for JPEG, TIFF, JPEG 2000, PNG, GIF, PDF files), JPEG Comment, EXIF / IFD (JPEG, TIFF and more), PNG, GIF Comment.
Field Description
Keywords Keywords for the image seperated by ';'
Date Time Date and time the image was taken.
Orientation Orientation of the image.
Software the software the image was created with.
Latitude The latitude of the GPS coordinate the current image was taken. Ranging from -90.0 to +90.0 degrees.
Longitude The longitude of the GPS coordinate the current image was taken. Ranging from -180.0 to +180.0 degrees.
Altitude The altitude of the GPS coordinate the current image was taken. The unit is meter. A positive value is above sea level, a negative one below sea level.
Exposure Time The exposure time in seconds the image was taken with.
FNumber The FNumber the image was taken with.
ISO Speed Ratings The ISO speed the image was taken with, as defined in ISO 12232.
Focal Length The Focal Length in millimeters the image was taken with.
Focal Length In 35 mm Film The focal length the image was taken with, assuming a 35mm film camera.
Make The manufacture of the recording equipment the image was taken with.
Model The model name of the recording equipment the image was taken with.
Creator The Creator of the image.